About komenmissouri

Susan G. Komen Missouri's mission is to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer. www.komenmissouri.org

Komen Greater St. Louis Race 2017: Team Captain Training

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It’s Time for 2017 Team Captain Training!

Team Captain Training
Saturday, Feb. 18 @ 11:30 am – 1 pm
Susan G. Komen Missouri Office
9288 Dielman Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63132

Team Captain Training
Saturday, March 11 @ 9-10:30 am
Susan G. Komen Missouri Office
9288 Dielman Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63132

Our Team Captain Training sessions are designed to prepare new and returning Team Captains for the 2017 Komen Greater St. Louis Race for the Cure®. We’ll help you get set for success in your support of Komen Missouri’s mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever.

This training will serve as a great opportunity for new and experienced team captains to:

– Get information on team member recruitment/registration, team fundraising events and more!
– Share fundraising ideas and get new tips
– Be ready to inspire your team members to be More Than Pink!

New and returning team captains should plan to attend one session for the entire time period.

Registration for the June 10, 2017 Komen Greater St. Louis Race for the Cure is open! Register through Feb. 14 and save $5! www.komenmissouri.org/STLRace

Questions? Contact teams@komenmissouri.org

Meet Our Intern: Nicky Althoff

Guest Writer: Nicky Althoff, Komen Missouri Events and Fundraising Intern

My name is Nicky Althoff, and I am excited to be one of the newest members of the Komen Missouri team as an event planning and fundraising intern. I’m a freshman at WashU in St. Louis, currently undecided but most likely pursuing a major in political science. At WashU, I’m a member of pre-law society, Model United Nations, and the varsity track team. Originally from Roscoe, Illinois, which is right on the border of Wisconsin, I’ve loved familiarizing myself with St. Louis and all of its Midwestern glory, aside from maybe the baseball fans.


Nicky Althoff, event planning and fundraising intern for Komen Missouri

I first encountered the internship with Komen Missouri in the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement’s WashU newsletter. It initially stuck out to me because Komen has been a household name in my family for many years: from cereal boxes to breast cancer apparel, the Komen logo is a common sight in the Althoff house. Aside from my familiarity with the Komen organization and mission, I was enticed by the opportunity to immerse myself in the St. Louis community by spreading Komen’s message and engaging the community in such a great cause.

As the cofounder and chairperson of a 5k benefitting breast cancer in my hometown, the internship with Komen Missouri seemed like the perfect extension of my prior experiences. It also seemed like the perfect opportunity to honor my mom, whom I lost to breast cancer in 2010. She was very involved in my local community’s breast cancer walk-a-thons and fundraisers and inspired me every day throughout her battle with her persistent smile and determination. Interning with Komen Missouri has been a great way to continue her fight against breast cancer, which truly is relevant to so many people.

As an event planning and fundraising intern, I get to see and help with all the behind-the-scenes planning of the signature Komen Missouri events like Trivia Night, the Komen Greater St. Louis Race for the Cure, and Dine Out for the Cure. I keep committee members for these events up-to-date and on-task and talk to sponsors and donors about contributing to our events. I often get to offer my opinion on matters such as how to engage more of the community and have even done some hands-on work redesigning the website.

From taking calls inquiring about mammograms to attending committee meetings, volunteering with Komen Missouri has kept me busy, but knowing that every data entry, phone call, and meeting is in some way contributing to the fight against breast cancer makes the internship the most rewarding experience I’ve had so far in St. Louis. I love working with the small but mighty Komen Missouri staff and I look forward to all of the events to come!

Meet Our Intern: Maddy Chung

Guest Writer: Maddy Chung, Komen Missouri Communications and Marketing Intern

My name is Maddy Chung, and I am the new Communications and Marketing Intern at Susan G. Komen Missouri! I am currently a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis, majoring in American Culture Studies and minoring in Marketing and potentially Global Health. I am originally from San Francisco, and though I’m very far from the west coast, St. Louis is starting to feel like home.


Maddy Chung, Communications & Marketing Intern for Komen Missouri

I have always had an interest in community service, social justice, and issues faced by my local community and beyond. My experience in marketing and communications is more recent, and I am looking forward to this internship because it will combine both of these interests. I am excited that this internship will allow me to engage with the St. Louis community in an impactful way, while giving me valuable experience and skills in marketing.


My interest in community service and social justice issues began in high school through my involvement with Breakthrough SF, an education nonprofit that provides extensive academic support to underserved middle school students. I was inspired by the incredible students and saw the unbelievable impact an organization like Breakthrough could have on their lives. Ever since then, I’ve known that I want to dedicate myself to some kind of organization that fights for an issue I care a lot about. Komen Missouri is just this – on my first day, I am already inspired by the work these women do, the energy and passion they put into it, and the impact it has on breast cancer research and the lives of so many Missouri women.


I wanted to try something a bit different this past summer, so I served as the Public Affairs Intern for Warriors Ground San Francisco, a community organizing branch of the Golden State Warriors. I was involved with the community organizing surrounding the new Warriors stadium, and I particularly enjoyed this role because I frequently went out into the community and talked to San Francisco residents about the project. I also wrote content for the Warriors Ground blog, did research, and got a taste of what managing an organization’s public presence is like. Through this experience, I developed an interest for communications and marketing, and as a result I declared Marketing as my minor.


In addition to social justice, community organizing, and marketing, health and related issues have piqued my interest last semester through a class called Global Health. Though I’m not all that familiar with breast cancer and its impact, I do know many people who are survivors or living with breast cancer today. I am looking forward to learning more about the disease through this internship, as well as contributing to the inspiring work going into finding cures.


Although I don’t know exactly what I want to do in life, I know that my experience interning here will help me grow both individually and as a young person considering a career path. I’m thankful to the team at Komen Missouri for this opportunity, and I’m so looking forward to see what the next months have in store here! 

Take a Swing at Trivia and Help Knock Out Breast Cancer


Take a swing at trivia and breast cancer at Susan G. Komen® Missouri’s 3rd Annual Trivia Night on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017, at the Moolah Shrine. This fundraising event, presented by Dowd Bennett LLP, benefits breast cancer research and local breast health programs funded by Komen Missouri.

Trivia tables are $200 for a team of eight or $300 for a VIP table of eight. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and trivia begins at 7 p.m.


Mike Colombo, TV news anchor/reporter and Komen Missouri Pink Tie Guy, returns at Master of Ceremonies for Trivia Night 2017

Mike Colombo, Contact 2 Consumer Investigative Reporter at Fox 2 and Anchor of KPLR 11 News at 4, will return as master of ceremonies.

The event will consist of 10 rounds of trivia with prizes for the top three teams. Guests also will be able to participate in a basket raffle, dessert raffle and 50/50 drawing.

The funds raised at the event will directly impact the breast health needs of local women, men and families. Seventy-five percent of the net funds raised by Komen Missouri stays in the local community to fund life-saving breast cancer screening, breast health education and patient navigation and support programs. The remaining 25 percent funds cutting-edge breast cancer research in St. Louis and beyond.

Registration in advance is required. Visit www.komenmissouri.org/TriviaNight or call 314.569.3900 to reserve a table.

Be Bold on Giving Tuesday


Your support is More Than Pink.

Every donation helps us turn awareness into impact. And the more support we get, the more we can help low-income women in our community get access to quality breast health care. The more we can help fund research that helps make breakthroughs for metastatic breast cancer patients who need it the most. And the closer we can come to reducing breast cancer deaths in the U.S. by 50% in the next decade. With your support, we can make an even bigger impact.

On #GivingTuesday, you can help us put an end to breast cancer for good.

Be Bold. Be Fearless. Be Generous. Contribute to our 2016 Holiday Giving Campaign.


Be Bold. Be Fearless. Be Generous.


Susan G. Komen® Missouri is an independent, local nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the breast health needs of the women, men and families most at risk and most in need in our 38-county Missouri/Illinois service area.

This past year, Komen Missouri grant funding helped provide more than 23,789 screening and patient support services for individuals in our community who otherwise may not have had access.

Through your donation, we can continue to strengthen our investment in the local fight against breast cancer.

Eighty-one cents of every $1 raised enables Komen Missouri to grant funds for life-saving local breast cancer screening, breast health education and patient support services plus cutting-edge global breast cancer research.

508 women lost their lives to breast cancer in Missouri last year. Your $100 gift could fund a life-saving mammogram this year.

Be Bold. Be Fearless. Be Generous. Every dollar makes an impact.

Please contribute to our 2016 Holiday Giving Campaign today.

Thank you for your support!


Collaboration: National Treatment Assistance Fund

how-we-collaborate-mtp-pinkThe costs of breast cancer treatment can impose a significant financial burden on survivors. The Susan G. Komen® National Treatment Assistance Fund helps bridge the gap for individuals who are actively undergoing breast cancer treatment.

The aim of the National Treatment Assistance Fund is to increase the number of individuals who remain in the breast cancer continuum of care by providing financial assistance to ensure adherence and completion of breast cancer treatment. Funding helps individuals of any age who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, at any stage of the disease.

The fund provides two types of financial assistance – assistance grants and co-pay – based upon need and eligibility requirements. Komen is currently funding two organizations that provide assistance through the National Treatment Assistance Fund.  To learn more about these programs click here or call the Komen Breast Care Helpline at 1-877 GO KOMEN (1-877-465-6636).

Limited financial assistance grants are awarded to low-income, underinsured or uninsured individuals across the country including the District of Columbia in need of:

  • Pain and anti-nausea medication
  • Lymphedema support and supplies with a prescription
  • Durable medical equipment ordered by their physician
  • Transportation to and from treatment
  • Childcare and/or eldercare necessitated by treatment
  • Oral medication for cancer treatment
  • Wigs
  • Breast prosthesis

Financial assistance is granted to individuals who meet pre-determined eligibility criteria.

Learn more: http://ww5.komen.org/WhatWeDo/IntheCommunity/NationalCommunityHealthPrograms/NationalCommunityHealthPrograms.html

Collaboration: Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance

how-we-collaborate-mtp-pinkMetastatic breast cancer is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other organs in the body. In the U.S., most women with metastatic cancer develop it when cancer returns at some point after their initial breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

In October 2013, Susan G. Komen® joined forces with a number of other cancer charities and advocacy groups to form the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (MBC Alliance). Since that time, the MBC Alliance has grown to include 40 members and has made progress against three overarching goals:

  1. Advocate for progress in research that will extend life, enhance quality of life, and ultimately end death from metastatic breast cancer
  2. Strive to ensure that all metastatic breast cancer patients and their caregivers know how to, and are able to access the care and services they need from a responsive and well-informed healthcare system
  3. Educate those diagnosed, their families, healthcare providers, researchers, and health policy influencers and makers on metastatic breast cancer and how it differs from early-stage breast cancer

Learn more at http://www.mbcalliance.org/

Watch the MBC Alliance’s video about the experiences of women living with MBC:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HewanXqBDlM

Additional information on Metastatic Breast Cancer: http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/SupportforPeoplewithMetastaticBreastCancer.html


Click to access 2015%20Metastasis%20FF.pdf

Collaboration: Komen Scholars

how-we-collaborate-mtp-pinkKomen Scholars are an advisory group of 60 distinguished scholars and leaders in breast cancer research and advocacy. Each has made significant contributions to advancing the field or demonstrated significant promise of doing so in the future and all are committed to furthering Komen’s mission.

Led by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which serves as the executive committee, the Komen Scholars are an international group with a wide range of expertise, including clinical research, laboratory research, pathology, prevention, radiation oncology, surgery, and other research disciplines and specialties, allowing them to advise Komen in a variety of capacities. While their primary responsibility is to lead and participate as reviewers in Komen’s scientific peer review process, the Komen Scholars also serve as ambassadors and experts in our communities and across the Affiliate Network.

In addition, several of the Scholars are Advocates in Science who ensure that the unique perspectives of those affected by breast cancer are fully integrated into decisions at every step of Komen’s mission.

Learn more about the scholars:
